3 Steps to Improve the Health Plan Member Experience with Provider Data Management

Enhance your health plan’s member experience with our three-step approach, focusing on provider data quality assessment, strategic improvements, and tech-driven solutions.

Discover how to leverage accurate, comprehensive provider data to offer personalized care, aiming to elevate care standards and establish your plan as a leader in member satisfaction. Start by identifying your existing data quality and gaps in member experience delivery. You can then create a strategy to implement tech-driven solutions that enrich provider data for accuracy, completeness, and robustness, ensuring that every member interaction is informed and tailored.

The goal is to not only elevate the standard of care but also position your health plan as a leader in delivering exceptional member experiences. Here’s your step-by-step plan:

  1. Assess Your Provider Data Quality
  • Test data for accuracy and completeness, and verify against a Single Source of Trust (SSoT).
  • Review member complaints and conduct mock CAHPS surveys.
  • Utilize secret shoppers for real-world data quality checks.
  1. Answer Key Improvement Questions
  • What are your CAHPS goals?
  • What is your member turnover rate?
  • How much has your revenue been impacted by member turnover?
  • What percentage of your turnover is driven by provider data issues?
  • What activities do you undertake annually to address member satisfaction issues, and how much do they cost?
  1. Create a Plan for Provider Data Improvement
  • Verify data against trusted sources such as claims, web searches, FHIR, and manual checks.
  • Identify inaccuracies to create enrichment rules.
  • Embrace automation for efficiency and track results to gauge improvement.

Whether you’re at the beginning or middle of your initiative to investigate and improve member experience, bring your questions to the team here at Leap Orbit. We love talking shop, and are available as a resource throughout your journey.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a free custom provider data quality assessment with one of our experts.

About Convergent

The Convergent Provider Data Platform reduces the costly burden of maintaining provider data. Convergent is a product of Leap Orbit, the trusted innovation partner to the leading health data networks.

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Convergent is a product of Leap Orbit LLC | Copyright© 2023